The ISESC 2024 Advance Program is now available online!
2024/11/1 11:58:29
Industry Session, Tutorial Submission Deadline Extended to July 30th, 2024
2024/7/16 10:33:18
Digest Submission Deadline Extended to July 22nd, 2024
2024/7/1 11:02:19
Call for Papers for ISESC 2024 Released!
2024/7/1 11:03:34
1. Read Reviewers' Comments
Login to the submission system using your Email address and password (Lost passwords can be retrieved) and view reviewers' comments by clicking on the button “View Decisions".
2. Check and Update Your Final Paper Information
Check and update the paper title, author and affiliation information according to the final paper by clicking Final Paper Submission in your user center.
Please do note that you should fill in the Affiliations information of all authors and all authors information completely. Be sure to set the correct order of authors and the order of the affiliations should correspond to the order of the authors.
Please be sure to confirm all the final paper information in the Manuscript System is correct, which will be used in the proceedings, program book, conference website, and etc.
3. Improve Your Paper and Submit Final Version
All papers must be re-submitted electronically in their final full paper form by the authors from Aug. 16th to Sept. 15th, 2024. Submit the final version of the full paper in PDF format, by clicking Final Paper Submission in your user center and “Upload” the final version. Papers are limited to six (A4) sized pages in double column single spaced. Up to 2 additional pages can be accepted, Papers should not exceed 8 pages.
The final full paper will be reviewed. Please do note that failing one of the following points could lead to the rejection of your paper: by double-checking the English correctness, by meeting reviewers’ requirements and by following strictly the Paper Template provided.
The copyright notice “979-8-3503-8051-4/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE” is to appear on the bottom of the first page of each paper as the Paper Template before creating PDFs.
IEEE is very strict about the requirements for PDF files for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore. Papers must be converted to IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF format. Information about proper PDF format is detailed in this document. Authors should use the free IEEE PDF eXpress system to convert and check their files. Use the Conference ID: 63657X when accessing the IEEE PDF eXpress system.
If you are a new user in IEEE PDF eXpress system, please select ‘Create Account’ to create a new account. If you have used previously PDF eXpress before, you could enter the same password that was used for the previous conferences.
Please avoid excessive Self-citation in the final manuscript. Self-citation occurs when authors excessively reference their own papers in their work. It can also arise when an author repeatedly cites the work of another author, which is known as redundant citation or repeated authors in the reference section. ISESC may reject the full paper or request revision if excessive self-citation is identified.
4. Copyright
Complete the IEEE copyright release process, by clicking on the button "Copyright Transfer" after submitting final full paper in the paper submission system.
You should submit your copyright transfer on the IEEE copyright transfer page. Please ensure the Paper Title and Authors' information are the same with your final paper. You can edit the information according to your final paper if needed.
If the final version is further modified and re-submitted, a new copyright release is necessary.
The copyright have to be submitted BEFORE Sept 15th, 2024.
5. Register
Visit the Registration page and register before the paper registration deadline of Sept 15th, 2024. One author of the paper must register before Sept 15th, 2024 to have the paper included in the conference program and proceedings.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and submitted to the IEEE Xplore on-line digital library and EI Compendex. Papers which will not be presented at the conference WILL NOT be included in IEEE Xplore and the registration fees WILL NOT be refunded.