Prof. Sanjib PANDA
Prof. Sanjib PANDA
IEEE Fellow
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), 
College of Design and Engineering (CDE), 
National University of Singapore
The integration of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) into modern energy infrastructure has become increasingly critical as the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions. ESS plays a pivotal role in enhancing reliability, efficiency, and flexibility of power systems, especially in the context of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, which are inherently variable and intermittent. By storing excess energy during periods of low demand and discharging it during peak times, ESS mitigates the imbalance between energy supply and demand, thus stabilizing the grid and reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based peak power plants. In maritime environments, such as the proposed Floating Living Lab (FLL) for carbon-neutral shipyards, the ESS is essential for ensuring continuous and resilient energy supply. The FLL concept, which integrates LNG, solar PV, and ESS, aims to provide a sustainable power solution for shipyard operations while addressing the challenges of harsh offshore environments while connected to the grid to provide ancillary services is required.
Sanjib Kumar Panda (S’86-M’91-SM’01-F’21) received B. Eng. Degree from the South Gujarat University, India, in 1983, M.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge, U.K., in 1991, all in electrical engineering. He was the recipient of the Cambridge-Nehru Scholarship and M. T. Mayer Graduate Scholarship during his PhD study (1987-1991). Since 1992, he has been holding a faculty position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore and currently serving as an Associate Professor and Director of the Power & Energy Research Area. Dr. Panda has published more than 540 peer-reviewed research papers, co-authored one book and contributed to several book chapters, holds ten patents and co-founder of three start-up companies. His research interests include high-performance control of motor drives and power electronic converters, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, building energy efficiency enhancement etc. He is serving as an Associate Editor of several IEEE Transactions e.g. Power Electronics, Industry Applications, Energy Conversion, Access and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Dr. Panda is serving as an IEEE PELS Distinguished Lecture for 2022-26. He had served as the Chair of the IEEE PELS Technical Committee, TC-12: Energy Access and Off-grid Systems 2021-2023. Dr. Panda is also serving as, R-10 Membership & Chapter Development Coordinator for IEEE PELS since 2016 till date.

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