Dr. Changjiang ZHAN


Dr. Changjiang ZHAN
NR Electric Co., Ltd
Deputy Chief Engineer
TITLE:Enable a More Stable Grid Dominated by Renewables: NR Grid-Forming Energy Storage System
Dr. Changjiang ZHAN has more than 34 years’ experience in Power Electronics, HVDC & FACTS and Renewable Energy (wind & photovoltaic), including nearly 16 years’ European industry working experience in Siemens (Germany and UK) as a senior expert of system design /HVDC subproject manager (2011-2018), and in Alstom (UK) as a principal engineer (2003-2010), and four years academic research experience in UMIST (UK) as a Post-doctoral research associate (1999-2003), respectively. He has been working as a deputy chief engineer in NR Electric Co., Ltd. since June of 2018. His current research interests include the system design and control of power electronic converters, stability and power quality of power-electronic-based power systems, such as HVDC, FACTS and grid-forming battery energy storage system (BESS). He is a Chartered Engineer of IET, and is now the Convenor of CIGRE Working Group B4-101 “Industrial Implementation and Application of Grid Forming Energy Storage Systems (GFM ESS)”. 

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