The ISESC 2024 Advance Program is now available online!
2024/11/1 11:58:29
Industry Session, Tutorial Submission Deadline Extended to July 30th, 2024
2024/7/16 10:33:18
Digest Submission Deadline Extended to July 22nd, 2024
2024/7/1 11:02:19
Call for Papers for ISESC 2024 Released!
2024/7/1 11:03:34
Founded in 1983, the China Power Supply Society (CPSS) is a national first class society registered with the Ministry of National Civil Administration, and the department responsible for the vocational work is the Chinese Science and Technology Association.
CPSS take it as its own duty to promote the progress of Chinese power supply science and industry. The power supply is a multidisciplinary science, it uses Semiconductor Power Device, Electromagnetic Element, Battery and other components via Electrical Engineering, automatic control, microelectronics, electrochemistry, new energy technologies, and other technology to make the coarse electricity into AC, DC, Pulsed and other forms of energy with high efficiency, high quality, and high reliability.
The professional scope of CPSS involves of Communication Power Supply, UPS, General AC Stabilizing Power Supply, DC Stabilizing Power Supply, Variable Frequency Power Supply, Special Power Elements and Parts of Supply, Accumulator, Electronic Transformer, Power Supply and Complete Sets of Power Supply etc.
There are 10 Local Power Supply Societies in relative province, municipalities or autonomous region connected with CPSS in vocational work and 14 technical committees, namely AC Power Supply, DC Power Supply, Variable Frequency Power Supply, Communication Power Supply, Special Power Supply, Transformer, Elements and parts, Electric-magnetic Compatibility as well as 10 work committees, I.E. academic research, international academic exchange, organizing, editing, science popularizing, standardizing. The secretariat is the standing daily office of the society. These organs form a set of organ and information net covering whole country.
The CPSS undertakes various academic exchange symposiums, particularly large-scale biennual meeting convened every two years and 25 biennual meetings have held yet. The latest one gathered more than 5000 attendees. During the symposium a lot of power supply specialists and researchers both domestic and abroad, including from Hong Kong and Taiwan came together and reviewed, exchanged new theory, technique, achievement in various field of power supply technology, as a result promoted the increase of power supply scientific level in China.
The CPSS has been editing and publishing several periodicals, “Journal of Power Supply”, "CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications”, at the same time CPSS has edited and published a series of monographs and handbooks as well as various proceedings of symposia.
The CPSS is providing a series of business service and consultant, e.g. editing standard, R&D achievement appraising, establishing quality control system for enterprise, consulting tender for engineering items and organizing technical education, R&D popularization, technical service, technical consultant.
The CPSS is not only an academic society, but also a business association of enterprises. The number of unit member is over 700. We are connecting with 3000 enterprises. Connecting academic and industrial fellows, promoting the exchange and cooperation of them, proving comprehensive service in techniques, management and marketing, the CPSS is determined to serve you.
For the latest information on the exhibition and the conference, please consult the CPSS web site at www.cpss.org.cn. The web site has the latest news and information, access to on-line registration and downloadable registration forms. Or you can contact with me by E-mail: cpss@cpss.org.cn